My Blog...

It’s just a job


 Have you ever been given that advice?

That you should try to ‘care’ a bit less about your job. 

The advice seems sensible … but feels a bit off.

Here’s my argument for ignoring it. 

The advice is well intentioned. 

It’s usually given by someone...

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Nobody cares if you’re ‘good enough


Hear me out...

How much time do you spend wondering whether you’re ‘good enough’? 


Well, I’m here to tell you that NOBODY CARES about that. 


Hear me out. 


What the hell does ‘good enough’ even mean? 


In my legal...

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Being indecisive


Do you struggle with being indecisive? 

  • Should I buy that thing or the other thing?
  • Should I say something or not?  
  • Should I stay or leave my current job?

Perhaps you try to make your decision by thinking through every possible eventuality, but instead of feeling clear,...

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Stay in your own lane


Just a quick reminder that if you struggle with self-doubt or imposter syndrome, there is almost ZERO benefit to comparing yourself to your colleagues. 

Your brain will just get to work pointing out all the ways they are smarter or more confident or ‘further along’ than you....

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Tightrope of confidence vs arrogance


Do you worry about being seen as ‘arrogant’? 

You want to be more confident at work …. but not OVER-confident. 

You’d like to find the perfect balance between showing-up as an assertive, self-confident person AND being viewed as humble, self-aware and NEVER one...

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Clear is kind - Avoiding giving feedback is not.


Do you ever avoid giving ‘difficult’ feedback because you feel bad? 

It feels awkward or uncomfortable. 

You prefer to correct the work yourself and move on. 

Or perhaps, you try to give the feedback, but end-up talking around it – because you’re worried...

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Work hierarchies are ARTIFICIAL


Just a quick reminder that hierarchies at work are ARTIFICIAL and CONSENSUAL. 

No-one you work with has any ACTUAL power over you. 

  • They might have a different title. 
  • They might give and review your work
  • They might make decisions about your progress at that firm,



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We can’t control other humans


If you’re managing people and feeling a little frustrated…

Perhaps because they’re not doing it ‘right or don’t seem to ‘care’ enough…

This is just my reminder to you that …sadly… we can’t control other human beings. 


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Confidence is NOT necessary….


If you’re waiting to feel confident before you do the thing….


Confidence is NOT NECESSARY to take action. 

Confidence is also not necessary to take action that other people perceive as confidence. 

I know that because over the last six years I’ve coached...

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How to feel more motivated


If you’re struggling with lack of motivation, you’re not alone! 

We all have periods where we feel like we’re just going through the motions. 

We start to ask ourselves why we’re even bothering. 

Isn’t there an easier career out there for us?! 


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