Urgent is just a thought

Uncategorized Feb 21, 2023

I know you probably work in a “fast-paced” environment. 

Where people frequently tell you things are “urgent”. 

They’ll look very serious when they do. 

They’ll 100% believe it. 

But I’m here to remind you, that “urgent” is just a thought. 

It’s not a fact. 

Plenty of people would disagree about that piece of work being “urgent”. 

I don’t say that to diminish the work you do. 

I say that because, for most of my clients, believing that something is “urgent” is not a helpful thought. Especially if 50+ things a day fall into that category!! 

Thoughts create feelings. Feelings drive behaviour. So…

Believing something is “urgent” creates feelings of pressure or panic. 

Feelings of pressure or panic create erratic behaviours:

  • Wasting time jumping from one task to another
  • Triple checking work because you weren’t focussed the first time
  • Making minor mistakes because you’re rushing.

Just because your boss believes it’s urgent, doesn’t mean you have to agree. 

By the way, this doesn’t mean you argue with your boss about the level of “urgency”. Please don’t do that. ☺ It also doesn’t mean you sit back and ignore the work.  

It just means that you get to CHOOSE what to think about it.  

Instead of believing it’s “URGENT” try thinking something a little more boring, neutral or reassuring. Some thoughts that worked for me were: 

  • I’ll do this piece of work next
  • I can only do one thing at a time
  • I’m sure the world won’t end regardless

Thinking these things will make it MORE LIKELY that you complete the task within the (very boring, neutral) timeframe and to a higher standard. 

I know it’s easy to believe thoughts offered to you by your boss or client. 

But it’s not compulsory. 

You have total agency over what you think. 

My advice is not to borrow the thoughts of other people. Choose your own. 


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