Don’t be so mean to her

Uncategorized Feb 07, 2023

Do you ever hear yourself saying:

  • I should have done a better job at …
  • It was so stupid of me to…
  • I can’t believe how lazy it was of me to…

Mean girl central. 

You’re a total bully to your past self. 

No compassion or understanding about what she was going through at the time. 

Maybe she was tired, overwhelmed, afraid, demotivated … 

You don’t care. 

She should have done better. 

If that’s how you talk to (or about) your past self, I’d place a large bet on the fact that you feel a lot of shame, fear or anxiety in the present moment. 

Because the voice in your head is habitually putting you down. 

You think it’s helpful. You think it will make you do better next time. 

But when has bullying someone EVER helped them?  

It’s a lie. You don’t get better, stronger or more confident through shame. 

So, next time, when you notice yourself being mean to your past self, take a breath, remember that you’re not a bully, and try this instead:

  • “Oh, I forgot, I’m just human. I’m always doing the best I can.”  

That’s not weakness. It actually creates the OPPOSITE result. 

Think about all the things you could achieve without a constant stream of habitual shame and self-doubt running through your mind! 

And the good news is, it’s 100% possible to change that habitual voice. 

If you want to learn how to think differently about yourself to create better results in your career, CLICK HERE to book a free consult with me. 

Let’s go! 


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