The secret to being a confident person

Uncategorized Feb 14, 2023

Do you believe you’re not a confident person? 

You see people around you who (seem) super confident. 

You compare yourself against them - and make it mean you’re different. 

Not a “confident person”. 

I’m here to tell you you’re wrong.   

The truth is, you feel confident in MANY areas, MANY times a day. 

You’ve just ignored or forgotten about those things! 

Our brains are wired to remember NEGATIVE events and emotions. 

Very smart way to keep us alive. Not so helpful with confidence. 

To experience more confidence, we have to DELIBERATLEY counter that negativity bias. 

So stop for TWO MINUTES right now, and remind yourself of all the times you felt confident yesterday. It doesn’t matter what about - writing a short email; talking to a colleague; drafting that thing you’ve drafted 100 times before. WHATEVER. 

DON’T let your brain tell you it can’t think of anything. 

I guarantee that if your life depended on it, you could. ☺

And once you’ve done that, FROM TODAY ONWARDS, drop the story that you’re not a confident person. 

You would never have come this far if you didn’t already have self-confidence. 

Confidence is just a feeling created by our thoughts. 

Believing that you’re already a confident person, will create that result. 

If you want some more help with building confidence, come and work with me. I teach my clients how to change self-critical thought patterns and increase their self-belief.  

If you’d like to learn more about my process, just CLICK HERE to book a free consult. 


50% Complete

Two Step

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