5 Things I had to START doing to make partnership

Uncategorized Jul 26, 2021

Wherever you are in your career journey, if you want to progress to the next level, it’s worth thinking about who you’ll need to be to get there. 

What will you need to start doing? What will you need to stop doing? 

For me, these were 5 things I had to START doing before I made partnership:

  1. Prioritising my own time
  2. Creating $ value for new sponsors
  3. Telling people I wanted partnership
  4. Claiming my achievements
  5. Doing the job of a partner 

My advice to clients is always to start doing the job you want before you apply for it.

Some things might need to change for you to do that.  

I can’t say the work is always easy. There were some major shifts I to make to my professional identity, priorities and approach when I was working towards partnership. Some serious self-coaching and courage involved! 

But it was definitely worth it. When the time came, I didn’t need a big sales pitch. I had been making my case organically for years.

I had already demonstrated my $ value as a partner. I had already built my sponsors. I had already made my ambitions and expectations clear.  

What are some things that you can start doing, right now, to step up to the next level of your career? 

If you want some personalised help with this, you can sign-up for a free Discovery Call with me. Learn more by clicking THIS LINK.  


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