I'll feel confident when I have more experience...

Is this you? Constantly hoping confidence is around the corner…

I get it. When I was a lawyer, I was convinced that I would feel more confident once I mastered that next process or learnt everything there is to know in my area. 

Here’s the problem. The day when I finally knew ‘everything’ never arrived! I worked in a growth industry, so as soon as I mastered one thing, I was onto the next. I was trying to create confidence from the thought ‘I know everything about this, so can never get an answer wrong…ever”. Unfortunately, that thought is hard to find when you definitely DON”T know everything.

So, what’s the solution?

Well, if you have the same strategy that I did, and you want to feel confident all of the time, you could go and work in a job where you learn the ropes on day one then rinse-and-repeat forevermore. By day 3-ish you’d probably be feeling pretty confident.

I’m guessing you’d also be feeling pretty bored.

SO, I have 2 other suggestions for you.

  • First, remember everything that you’ve already achieved without feeling confident all of the time. You’ve achieved those things from determination, ambition, resilience, courage, enthusiasm, curiosity etc. etc. My point. You don’t need to feel confident all of the time to create success.
  • Second, remember that confidence is just a feeling generated by your thoughts. Your strategy right now is to generate it from the thought “I know how to do this”. But there are other thoughts available to you. Is it possible that even if you don’t know the answer, everything will be fine? This might be hard to believe if you’ve been socialised to think perfection is important or mistakes are evidence that you’re not ‘good enough’. Stripping away those ‘blocker’ thoughts is the key to confidence.

Imagine how you would feel and what you could achieve if you knew that perfection isn’t required and that you provided immense value with and despite all of your mistakes.

If you want to learn more about how you can work with me to strip away those negative thoughts that block your confidence, click HERE.


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